Deutsch English    EMAIL
Site Complexity: medium
Country = AU Academic Company

Kwafon Pty Ltd

◊ Location:  Perth ( AU )
What I developed  Development of a database-driven website in English. Programming of a specialized CMS and und Member Management System. Map marking applications, e-payment, events calendar, partner system, dynamic sitemap, integrated search engines, specifically programmed administration systems with access rights management, action log, WYSIWYG editors, CSS3, print layout, SEO, text development, and embedding of Flash movies.
Site Complexity: very high
Country = CH Social Network (4 Sites)


◊ Location:  Zurich ( CH )

View Details or Case Study
What I developed  Complete development of 4 interacting websites. Various custom developed community modules. Homepage generator. Blog generator. Map applications. Payment systems (credit card, billing, code, gift certs). 8 search engines. Internal messaging system. Member forum. Member chat (AJAX). Buddy lists. Referrer system. Smut filter. Numerous administration and content management systems, bookeeping, charts. Texts.
Site Complexity: high
Country = CH Casual Dating Platform


◊ Location:  ZH ( CH )
What I developed  Development of a complete dating website in German. Concept, programming of matchmaking functions, parallel matches, internal messaging, map location applications, member cards (PDF generator), member chat, administration system with performance charts, etc.
Site Complexity: low
Country = CN Chinese City Guide

Treehouse City Guide

◊ Location:  Yunnan Province ( CN )
What I developed  Concept assistance for the user interface and detail functions. Translations. Design of GUI graphics.
Site Complexity: very high
Country = CH Social Networking / Dating


◊ Location:  ZH ( CH )
What I developed  Complete development of bi-lingual database-driven website. Social networking platform / dating website. Development of name and logo. Location finder, matching generator, internal messenger, group functions event management, forum, chat, various search engines and Google Maps applications. Custom programmed CMS and Admin System. W3C valid homepage. Design of business cards, flyers and letterheads. Design of Flash movie and screensaver.
Site Complexity: extremely high
Country = CH Dating Site and Club


◊ Location:  Zurich ( CH )

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What I developed  Development of a complete dating website in German and English. More than 1000 functions, 154 menu items in 8 dynamic and adaptive menus, 34 help texts, partner analysis, matching generator, map applications, AJAX, credit card system, promocode system, gift certificates, PDF invoice generator, weblog with RSS, coaching system, events, membermap, memberstats, Flash presentation, Flash sketchpad, print layout, logo design, print collateral, AdWords, copywriting etc.
Site Complexity: high
Country = VE E-Community platform


◊ Location:  Caracas ( VE )
What I developed  Complete development of a database driven E-Community web site. Two-level map application. 8 search engines. 17 photo upload modules incl. auto-resizing. Internal messaging system. Member forum. Buddy invite/referrer system. Poll. Newsticker. Rumour generator. Smut filter. IP2country. Newsletter. Style changer. Numerous administration and content management systems. Logo design. Text development (copywriting).
Site Complexity: high
Country = CH Social Networking Platform community

◊ Location:  Zurich ( CH )
What I developed  Complete development. Various custom developed community modules. Group building functions. Homepage generator. Blog generator. Map applications. 8 search engines. Internal messaging system. Member forum. Member chat (AJAX). Buddy lists. Referrer system. Action Log. Numerous CMS and admin functions. Online bookkeeping. Designs and copywriting.
Site Complexity: very high
Country = SG International Business Club

Blaze International

◊ Location:  Singapore ( SG )
What I developed  Complete development of a datababase driven E-Community web site. 95 pages in PHP und HTML. Design the association logo. Develop texts for several web pages. Design Flash intro and screensaver in 3D. 9 content management modules. Multi-level access control. Member forum. Search engine. Projects board. Job board. News. Live currency rates and stock index ticker. World times. Webcams. Member chatroom.

© Gregor Lemmenmeier, Rebweg 2, CH-8134 Adliswil — WEB | EMAIL

 ★★★★★ GREG.CH is currently number ONE in website quality. Here are the official test results:  
SEO Score:  See with this very strict test whether this website was optimized for better Google search results (Search Engine Optimization). Compare the SEO scores of the competitors! GREG.CH is the only Swiss site getting 100%.100% !  Global Score:  Was this site built using best practices? The very strict YellowLab test checks a website for its quality. The most important Swiss site scores 0%, GREG.CH 100%.100% !  Performance:  Analyze with the Google PageSpeed Test how high the performance of this website is. Compare: the most important Swiss website scores 49%, GREG.CH 100%.100% !  HTML:  Test whether the currently displayed page of this website is valid (perfect) or invalid. Then compare with the websites of web design competitors — they often have site errors...0 Errors !  CSS:  Test whether the CSS code (stylesheet) of this website was developed with or without errors. Then compare with the sites of the competitors (who often make CSS mistakes).0 Errors !  WAVE:  This tool checks a website for conformance with accessibility standards to ensure that the webpage content can be easily accessed by everyone including people with disabilites.0 Errors !  PHP:  80% of all websites run on servers with the programming language PHP. But many (old) websites have still not been upgraded to the up-to-date, safer and faster PHP version (8.2).8.2 !  Responsive:  Check on a PC or Mac how this website looks on all the user devices most often used today. You can also test some other websites that you know. Have they been built 'responsive'?OK ! 

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