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Site Complexity: very high
Country = CH Rented homes, Engadin

Engadin-Home Ltd.

◊ Location:  St. Moritz ( CH )
What I developed  Complete development of trilingual real estate platform. Design company logo. Interactive regional map with live display of ads. Complex reservation plan with date calculations. Search engine with 37 search filters. Map marking application. 8 photo upload modules. Calendar. Link list. Administration systems. CMS. Invoice and business card generator. Live feed for alpine pass status. Poll. Ticker with house sales. Flash animation. Company brochure.
Site Complexity: very high
Country = CH Project Mgmt. Groupware


◊ Location:  Zurich ( CH )
What I developed  Complete development of an online groupware for web project management. User management. Role management. Scheduler. Task management. Dynamic Gantt diagrams and progress indicators. Visual tracking (time and budget). Budget control. Internal messaging. Live Forex converter. Project forum with Wiki structure. Project chat with AJAX. SPADE Scripts. Archiving. PDF generator. File Browser. Logo design.
Site Complexity: very high
Country = SG International Business Club

Blaze International

◊ Location:  Singapore ( SG )
What I developed  Complete development of a datababase driven E-Community web site. 95 pages in PHP und HTML. Design the association logo. Develop texts for several web pages. Design Flash intro and screensaver in 3D. 9 content management modules. Multi-level access control. Member forum. Search engine. Projects board. Job board. News. Live currency rates and stock index ticker. World times. Webcams. Member chatroom.
Site Complexity: very high
Country = CH Social Networking / Dating


◊ Location:  ZH ( CH )
What I developed  Complete development of bi-lingual database-driven website. Social networking platform / dating website. Development of name and logo. Location finder, matching generator, internal messenger, group functions event management, forum, chat, various search engines and Google Maps applications. Custom programmed CMS and Admin System. W3C valid homepage. Design of business cards, flyers and letterheads. Design of Flash movie and screensaver.
Site Complexity: very high
Country = ZA Golf products company


◊ Location:  Cape Town ( ZA )
What I developed  Complete development of a bilingual E-Commerce web site. 87 pages in PHP and HTML. Design company logo. Develop page texts in both languages. Develop catalog system for golf products. Shopping cart. Search engine. Ordering system. CMS. Sales analysis. Program middleware for 2048bit credit card payment system (Wirecard). Newsletter. Handicap calculator. Golf products forum. Livehelper system. Take product photographs. Design print ads, logo for company cars and web banners.
Site Complexity: very high
Country = CH E-Procurement Company

B2BTradeNet Ltd.

◊ Location:  Zurich ( CH )
What I developed  Complete development of a highly complex E-Procurement platform with 200k database categories and around 350 functions. Multi-lingual, several currencies, several domains. Category system, member management, administrator systems, RFP broadcasting, SMS generator, PDF generator, graphics generator, live currency rate feed, search engines, crawler, Flash presentations, print collateral, text development etc. In total, entered around 1M characters.
Site Complexity: very high
Country = CH Assoc. of Private Schools


◊ Location:  Berne ( CH )
What I developed  Development of a database-driven, 5-lingual website. 56 dynamic pages, around 370 HTML pages, search engine with multi filter, map marking application, compare schools function, newsboard and jobboard with calendar function, five-lingual dynamic sitemap, custom-programmed admin systems with rights management, special statistics, print layout, direct language switch, SEO, text correction service etc. The XHTML/CSS code is error free, the site even passes the strict WAI test.
Site Complexity: extremely high
Country = CH Dating Site and Club


◊ Location:  Zurich ( CH )

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What I developed  Development of a complete dating website in German and English. More than 1000 functions, 154 menu items in 8 dynamic and adaptive menus, 34 help texts, partner analysis, matching generator, map applications, AJAX, credit card system, promocode system, gift certificates, PDF invoice generator, weblog with RSS, coaching system, events, membermap, memberstats, Flash presentation, Flash sketchpad, print layout, logo design, print collateral, AdWords, copywriting etc.
Site Complexity: very high
Country = CH Social Network (4 Sites)


◊ Location:  Zurich ( CH )

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What I developed  Complete development of 4 interacting websites. Various custom developed community modules. Homepage generator. Blog generator. Map applications. Payment systems (credit card, billing, code, gift certs). 8 search engines. Internal messaging system. Member forum. Member chat (AJAX). Buddy lists. Referrer system. Smut filter. Numerous administration and content management systems, bookeeping, charts. Texts.
Site Complexity: very high
Country = CH Switzerland best cybercafe

Internetcafe Zurich

◊ Location:  Zurich ( CH )
What I developed  Complete development of a database-driven bilingual website. Developed custom programmed CMS and Admin systems, search engine, special statistics, spider, layout, print layout, language switch, link lists as well as the texts in German and English. The site has valid, error-free XHTML/CSS code and looks identical on IE / FF / Safari browsers. It even passes the extremely strict WAI guidelines test.
Site Complexity: extremely high
Country = US Online furniture shop

US Home Products

◊ Location:  Norcross ( US )
What I developed  Complete development of database-driven e-commerce website. 7-level category tree, multiple product options, custom Admin systems, revision of AJAX functions etc.
Site Complexity: very high
Country = CH Facade Construction Firm

Weinfelder FT, Inc.

◊ Location:  Weinfelden ( CH )
What I developed  Complete development of the database driven company web site. 74 pages in PHP. Content Managagement Systems. News page. Job offerings page. Upload tools for pictures and PDF documents. 4 search engines. Password protection. Autoresponders. Integrate 191 AutoCAD construction plans (with viewer plugin) for architects. Program web calendar with CMS. Design logo in Flash (3D animated).
Site Complexity: very high
Country = CH IT Recruiting Company AG

◊ Location:  Zurich ( CH )

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What I developed  Complete development of a database driven E-Recruitment platform. 85 pages in PHP and HTML. Ad submission functions. Complex search engine with memory function. Custom-made content management and administrator systems. Integrate the credit card system. Cron Jobs. Autoresponders. Analytics. Program a complex deeplink crawler (web fetching) for content generation (later used on Develop English page texts.

© Gregor Lemmenmeier, Rebweg 2, CH-8134 Adliswil — WEB | EMAIL

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