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09/2004 → 08/2011
Webdesign Studio Adliswil (Ct. Zurich)


— Allround Web Developer, Freelancer
My responsibilities:  Developement of high-quality websites, comprehensive e-platforms and web marketing projects according to the requirements and wishes of international customers. Project consulting.
11/2003 → 08/2004
Webdesign/Network Firm Zurich


— Web Developer, Deputy Manager
My responsibilities:  Deputy Manager of internet / network firm in Zurich. Head of web development and web hosting services. Primarily for financial firms.
09/1999 → 10/2003
Webdesign Firm Zurich


— Allround Web Developer, Manager
My responsibilities:  Developed websites, complex e-platforms and marketing projects according to the requirements of international customers. In addition, served as the Editor-In-Chief of the country's largest web-centric newspaper (print-run of 160k), as elected juror in the official award jury "Best of Swiss Web", and as author of highly praised publications.
05/1993 → 11/1998
International Private Bank Zurich


— Head of Foreign Exchange Department
My responsibilities:  Foreign currency, precious metal and money-market transactions of the main branch according to Swiss bank statute with a personal trading turnover of up to CHF 80 million per day, payment transactions, daily Cash Management. Also led IT projects and programmed a relational database system on request of the bank to manage all correspondent banks and transaction keys.
11/1991 → 03/1993
International Brokerage Firm Zurich


— Head of Administration Department
My responsibilities:  International payments, commoditiy trading and futures settlements, trading of call-deposits. Also programmed a complex relational database system (for the managed fund) on request of the broker firm.
05/1982 → 04/1991
(then) Largest Brokerage Firm Zurich


— Head of 3 Depts., IT Project Manager
My responsibilities:  Head of the three sales support departments – Settlements, Funding, and Reconciliations. Authorized signatory. Responsible for all DVP transactions in fixed income, eurobonds, US treasuries, stocks, warrants. Also managed new IT projects and introduced company-wide IT systems such as 'Intersettle'.
03/1979 → 03/1982
Largest Swiss Bank Wohlen


— Banking Education
My education:  Best year average grade 5.9 (out of 6). Elected class speaker. Fascinated by the high-energy work of Wall Street brokers, I decided to make a career at the largest broker firm.

© Gregor Lemmenmeier, Rebweg 2, CH-8134 Adliswil — WEB | EMAIL

 ★★★★★ GREG.CH is currently number ONE in website quality. Here are the official test results:  
SEO Score:  See with this very strict test whether this website was optimized for better Google search results (Search Engine Optimization). Compare the SEO scores of the competitors! GREG.CH is the only Swiss site getting 100%.100% !  Global Score:  Was this site built using best practices? The very strict YellowLab test checks a website for its quality. The most important Swiss site scores 0%, GREG.CH 100%.100% !  Performance:  Analyze with the Google PageSpeed Test how high the performance of this website is. Compare: the most important Swiss website scores 49%, GREG.CH 100%.100% !  HTML:  Test whether the currently displayed page of this website is valid (perfect) or invalid. Then compare with the websites of web design competitors — they often have site errors...0 Errors !  CSS:  Test whether the CSS code (stylesheet) of this website was developed with or without errors. Then compare with the sites of the competitors (who often make CSS mistakes).0 Errors !  WAVE:  This tool checks a website for conformance with accessibility standards to ensure that the webpage content can be easily accessed by everyone including people with disabilites.0 Errors !  PHP:  80% of all websites run on servers with the programming language PHP. But many (old) websites have still not been upgraded to the up-to-date, safer and faster PHP version (8.2).8.2 !  Responsive:  Check on a PC or Mac how this website looks on all the user devices most often used today. You can also test some other websites that you know. Have they been built 'responsive'?OK ! 

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