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«Thoughts about religious fanatics»

von Greg Lemmenmeier, publiziert am 18. September 2013 um 11:05, 357 Views

As a contributing editor to *very important* educational websites such as SAB and as an active member of the international Brights movement, it's becoming hard to find funny pics about faith that I haven't seen yet.

The bible raises MORE questions than it gives answers . . .

On which day did "god" make all the fossils?

If we were made in his image, why aren't we invisble too?

Why did "saviour" Jesus decide to let *millions* of future people die from unsanitary conditions instead of spending just *one* minute to tell them that there are germs and they should wash their hands before delivering babies or doing surgery? - Instead, Jesus taught them that putting saliva and dirt on the eyes will make a blind man see. - It's pretty strange that "the healer" Jesus looked so sick himself that people would hide their faces.

And why would a CREATOR of the earth get a book written that claims our earth is F L A T instead of round? Or, how smart and god-like was a guy who mistakenly expected a tree to have figs and then condemned it when realizing it didn't have any? Well, duh - figs were out of season!

- Why is the alleged story of Jesus in parts a copy of much older legends? Look carefully at the story of the old egyptian god HORUS and be surprised when comparing it with the bible that says "I am the lord thy God from the land of EGYPT". Now it all makes sense . . . The stories in the Bible are stories recycled from much older religions. The fact that all these stories are closely related is the dead giveaway. It also adds to proof that Jesus never existed.

And why is it that atheists typically know more about religion than believers - as tests proved?

I think that knowledge is stronger than child-like beliefs because it is based in reality. Nothing is stronger than reality and the whole universe is based on logic. All humans are a part of that logic.

A belief in any god is wishful thinking and arrogance.

People believe in god for different reasons: They WANT to believe. They are lonely without an imaginary friend. And then there's self interest. - Eternal life is the ultimate in egomania. Egomaniacs will believe in anything that will take them there. You have to be egotistical to believe that the entire world, every animal, plant and life form was created for you. "God" created all the galaxies to give you something pretty to look at? Religion is an ego thing and that's why most believers are so arrogant and unable to accept the inconvenient but obvious truth.

For many centuries, religious people have claimed that they are "better people". However, there is clear proof that atheists are better people. Why? Because atheists make better societies. In Scandinavian countries with very low percentages of religious people, for example, societies are statistically better in terms of less murder cases, less violence, less divorces, less teen pregancies, less rapes, and so forth. Just compare these statistics with highly religious countries such as the USA and you see that atheists indeed make better societies. Therefore, religious people are clearly not the "better people" as they keep telling us. Atheists are. The worst societies on this planet are the most religious.

While the struggle against the monstrous arrogance of religious people, their ignorance of logic and their constant blocking of human advancement can be tedious, it sometimes has a funny side due to the proven absurdity of all types of religion. Just one book - and *free* people turn into deluded slaves.

- Actually, it's so sad it's freaking ridiculous.

A belief in "god" is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful . . . Religion does three things quite effectively: Divides people, controls people, deludes people. And while it's much easier for the lazy to believe than to question, we must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-loving god who creates faulty humans, tests and seduces them with a yummy fruit whilst already knowing the result - and then blames them for his own mistakes. Not only that, his ethics include torturing (most of) them with FIRE for not just a minute but for billions of years - instead of simply killing Satan whom he also created in the first place.


. . . Plus a talking bush, a talking snake, and a guy who lives inside a whale - all typical elements of fairy tales for children. But then, the same book talks about a god who "loves all people" - and kills all the world's children in a flood.

THIS book claims to be the most moral and truthful of all. A TALKING SNAKE?

Christianity . . . is in fact the belief that some cosmic Jewish zombie can make you live forever if you eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

Yes, that is Christianity.

Even Harry Potter books are closer to reality.

Two thousand years ago when mankind was drastically uneducated and stupid, there might have been some excuse for believing in these ancient legends and adventure stories written down by nomads more than 70 years after Jesus allegedly died. But today, in the age of information and the internet, there is no excuse for refusing to evolve.

The enslavement of the human mind must stop. And it will.

The problem is that it takes too long.

- When I was a child, I was indoctrinated and brainwashed by a certain Christian sect (or rather a cult) whose people go from door to door trying to convince gullible folks with their moronic lies and pamphlets. Unfortunately, god and the bible were at the very center of my life as a kid. What a waste of time, and what a waste of a childhood. On the other hand, my years of daily studying the bible helps me today in educating and *freeing* other people through important websites such as SAB. The battle can only be won by FACTS, not by arguing endlessly with propaganda opposing the massive religious propaganda. Knowledge and facts have always prevailed in human history. We don't need to believe - we need to know.

Even for people who aren't bible experts like myself, it's becoming more and more obvious that "god" does not exist. The argument that people are believing because they were raised religious is invalid because many people were raised to believe in Santa Claus. But as they grew up, they realized that Santa doesn't exist. Well, the next step in growing up is finding out that there is no "god" who rewards or punishes people.

- What is the penalty for poisoning the minds of your own children? - Think about it.

Perhaps we should concentrate on our home – the Earth. Surely, you might expect, the bible tells us the truth about the Earth because it's written by its creator, right? Well, let's check what the bible says: Earth was created before the sun (Genesis 1:1-19), the Earth is not a sphere but a disk (Isaiah 40:22), the Earth has four corners (Isaiah 11:12), the Earth has ends (Daniel 4:11), and the stars will fall from the sky and land on Earth (Revelation 6:13).

Parts of the bible were written by uneducated sheep herders in the bronze age. Why should we even read it? Or why should it not be called fake?

In modern societies, what cannot be tolerated any longer are certain "Christian" traditions like the brainwashing of children (watch this movie), the covering-up of child abuse (is that a surprise?), the killing of children by denying help and, of course, the oppression of women. Just imagine a man who walks up to a woman and says "I WILL torture you without end - unless you LOVE ME". . . Everybody would agree that this threat is absolute perversion. Yet when an invisible guy in some old jewish "moral code" uses the exact same threat, 2.3 billion people obey and become Christians.

It's shocking to see the amount of people who still believe that there's a Space Daddy who cares about their private thoughts somewhere at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy and wants them to praise him for billions of years in a place called heaven - when the bible itself is so ignorant of our real world it doesn't even mention dinosaurs, the roundness of the earth, the universe, the atom, the DNA, any live-saving medical knowledge or scientific discovery of the past 2000 years.

" In the beginning . . . man created god . "

It helps to remember that human CREATIVITY is amazing and knows no limits: Zeus and Manitou, Cinderella and Jesus, Hulk and Spiderman, God and King Kong - adventurous stories driven by the deeply rooted human desire for a superhero and invented by creative men (never women) who were weak and immature. Alas, there are no superheroes and we can only save ourselves. As Ernest Hemingway put it: "All thinking men are atheists".

The fact that some believers are happier than bright men is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. There once was a time when all people believed in god and the church ruled - this time was called the "Dark Ages". Today, atheists are the only human beings who are free - and proud to be a member of a strongly growing reality-based community.

With that said, here are a few pics that I found entertaining. I'm not including too many pics from 4chan /b/ as those might be considered offensive. Well, not nearly as offensive as religion's centuries of brutal crimes against helpless people and insults to the capacity of the human brain, but I think good points can be made even with these less offensive ones.

Man is quite insane. He wouldn't know how to create a maggot and he creates gods by the dozen.

Enjoy the humor!

• Publiziert am 18. September 2013 um 11:05     ▶ 357 Views     ≡ Kategorie: Betrachtungen

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